What is 5G and how will it affect me?

The demand for more spectrum is being driven by the massive number of connected devices and data-intensive software applications that are expected to accompany the adoption of 5G networks. The merger of advanced machinery with networked sensors and software — known as the Internet of Things (IoT) — will require consumers and businesses to have access to large amounts of spectrum in higher frequency bands that are currently not being used for mobile services.

What are some other countries doing to deploy 5G technology?
In the United States, “The next generation of wireless connectivity — the fifth generation, or 5G — is a virtual cornerstone for critical 21st century opportunities related to economic growth, education, employment, transportation, and more,” according to the Federal Communications Commission. “These new networks and technologies will enable new high-speed, low-latency wireless broadband services, the Internet of Things, and innovations not yet imagined. Future 5G networks will rely on three key elements: Spectrum, Infrastructure, and Backhaul. The FCC is taking steps in all of these areas to ensure that the U.S. will lead the world in the deployment of next-generation wireless technologies.” Learn more about the United States’ 5G plan.
In Europe, “the European Commission is striving to make 5G a reality for all citizens and businesses in Member States by the end of this decade. To realize 5G application in EU states everywhere, the European Commission created a 5G for Europe Action Plan. The Action Plan is a roadmap for public and private investment on 5G infrastructure in the EU. The roadmap sets out several measures to guarantee a coordinated approach among all EU Member States to make 5G accessible to all by the end of 2020.” Learn more about the 5G for Europe Action Plan.

What makes ENCQOR different than other 5G partnerships that are out there?
ENCQOR establishes the first Canadian pre-commercial corridor of 5G digital infrastructure — the key to unlocking the massive potential of smart cities, e-health, e-education, connected and autonomous vehicles, on-demand entertainment and media, and the Internet of Things (IoT), among others. ENCQOR’s five-year strategy and unique focus on providing access to 5G networks to SMEs, researchers, and academia means it is purpose-built not just for realizing the technological promise of 5G in the near term, but for driving long-term economic growth in Quebec and Ontario and in the broader Canadian innovation ecosystem.